
October 5: Social Economy Approaches to Urban Agriculture

Meeting Location: Harpell

Preparations for the fall season:

The weather will be nice, and we will continue learning by doing. We will meet at Harpell, then we will move to the farm.

The activities:

  • Meeting at Harpell,
  • Introduction and check-in,
  • We will go through the permaculture garden at Harpell, spot any pests or diseases and you should start telling me what should be done in the garden, we will arrange the tasks in priority order,
  • Going to the farm to spot any pest or disease, doing some maintenance and harvesting,
  • Watching the fixed sundried steps of installing,
  • Maintaining your garden plot and harvest,
  • Seeds harvesting, processing, labelling and saving (please bring small zip pages or any containers/plastic bags),
  • Mulching the garden ways and service areas with wood chips and insulating with Mushroom mycelium from the other garden.
  • Covering the Mushroom area in the old plot with straw and irrigate
  • We could be back to the class for some theory
  • Wrap-up
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